At Integran’s July and August presentation roadshow, we highlighted some key issues about the operation of the Sustainable Planning (Infrastructure Charges) and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2014 that required review and, in our view, amendment. Our provision of feedback to the Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning (DSDIP) has been ongoing to seek clarification for the new provisions and their implementation for Local Government Infrastructure Plans (LGIPs).
There are some key changes which will be enacted in the coming weeks by the Queensland Heritage and Other Legislation Amendment (QHOLA) Bill 2014, having passed through Parliament on the 29th October 2014. (The Bill will not take effect until it receives Royal Assent.)
The Bill addresses many of the provisions that were unclear at the time of our roadshow presentation. We have not sought to cover all of the changes here but aim to provide some further clarity around some of the more complex operational provisions and the impact of the change. The following table seeks to explain the existing provisions under SPA or SP(IC)OLA and proposed amendments under QHOLA.
If you have any queries regarding the effect of the new provisions, do not hesitate to contact the Integran team on (07) 3227 0500.